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Episode 89 - Angron tri(f)tt auf Squats
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[00:00:00] Intro
[00:00:15] Begrüßung
[00:01:18] Im Schweinsgalopp durch die Releases
[00:01:58] Angron
Warhammer Community: Tremble Before the Rage of Angron, Daemon Primarch of Khorne
[00:10:26] Neue Squats
Warhammer Community: Exo-Armour Turns Leagues of Votann Elites Into Mountains of Muscle and Guns
Warhammer Community: Necromunda’s Squat Prospectors Provide Yet Another Reason Not to Go Outside
[00:23:26] Bloodbowl Amazonen
Warhammer Community: Revealed – The Amazons Are Here To Rip Up The Gridiron in Blood Bowl
[00:25:59] Neue Warcry Box
Warhammer Community: Your Journey Into the Heart of Ghur Starts With a Look Inside the New Warcry Boxed Set
[00:30:28] Kroot und Navy
Warhammer Commnunity: Revealed – Imperial Navy Breachers Clash With a Kroot Kinband in Kill Team: Into the Dark
[00:36:43] Codex Chaos Dämonen
Warhammer Community: Codex - Chaos Daemons Emerges From a Tear in the Warp
[00:41:02] Horus Heresy Starterbox
Warhammer Community: Saturday Pre-orders – The Horus Heresy is Here with a Huge Haul of Miniatures, Books, and More
[00:49:36] Arcane Cataclysm
Brückenkopf Online: GW - Arcane Cataclysm Preview
Warhammer Comnunity: Magical Might Comes to the Fore in the Latest Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battlebox
[00:53:20] Speedpaint-Aktion und Onepagerules
Mit welchen Boxen?
Arcane Cataclysm (siehe oben)
Warhammer Community: Avenging Sylvaneth chase the Skaven Across the Realms in Echoes of Doom
Lexicanum: Schlacht auf der Blutinsel (Box)
Warhammer Community: The Hexfire Battlebox Pits Grey Knights Might Against Thousand Sons Sorcery
[01:00:25] Outro
Erschienen am 24. July 2022